Professor Daricélio Soares Publications Journal Papers

Title: Predicting the lifetime of pull requests in open-source projects. - Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 33

Authors: Manoel Limeira, Daricélio Soares Alexandre Plastino, and Leonardo Murta.


Title: What factors influence the lifetime of pull requests?. - Journal of Software: Practice and Experience 51

Authors: Daricélio Soares, Manoel Limeira, Alexandre Plastino, and Leonardo Murta.


Title: Automatic assignment of integrators to pull requests: The importance of selecting appropriate attributes. - Journal of Systems and Software 144

Authors: Manoel Limeira, Daricélio Soares Alexandre Plastino, and Leonardo Murta.


Title: What factors influence the reviewer assignment to pull requests?. - Information and Software Technology 98

Authors: Daricélio Soares, Manoel Limeira, Alexandre Plastino, and Leonardo Murta.

Conference Papers

Title: Temporal analysis on pull request patterns: an approach with sliding window - ACM SBCARS'22 </p>

Authors: Cleyciane Lima and Daricélio Soares.


Title: On the Nature of Duplicate Pull Requests: An Empirical Study Using Association Rules </p>

Authors: Silvana Andrade, Daricélio Soares and Daniel Silva.


Title: Measuring unique changes: how do distinct changes affect the size and lifetime of pull requests? - ACM SBCARS'20 </p>

Authors: Daniel Silva, Daricélio Soares and Silvana Andrade.


Title: Rejection factors of pull requests filed by core team developers in software projects with high acceptance rates. - IEEE ICMLA'15

Authors: Daricélio Soares, Manoel Limeira, Leonardo Murta, and Alexandre Plastino.


Title: Acceptance factors of pull requests in open-source projects. - ACM SAC'15

Authors: Daricélio Soares, Manoel Limeira, Leonardo Murta, and Alexandre Plastino.


Title: Developers assignment for analyzing pull requests. - ACM SAC'15

Authors: Manoel Limeira, Daricélio Soares, Leonardo Murta, and Alexandre Plastino.